Signs? Striping? See What We Are Proposing for Two-Way

You may be asking yourself, “What’s this I hear about the proposed two-way bicycle travel on the Carriage Lane?” People of course want to visualize what our proposed changes to the Carriage Lane will be. We want to make it easy for you. Whether you are a driver, a walker, a dog-walker, a bicyclists or

Bullough Park and the Carriage Lane

This section is a special case: As Bulloughs Park approaches Commonwealth Avenue, it bisects a section of the Carriage Lane on the east that is open to EB driving, and a section of Carriage Lane on the west that is a footpath only, and closed to motor vehicles. It is also a very popular section:


Commonwealth Avenue’s berm is a beautiful cascade of grass, trees, and flowering bushes, which makes it an ideal linear park. The corners of the crossroads and the Carriage Lane are adorned with statuesque lights on the SE and SW corners that sit in beds of perenniallly blooming bushes. The crossroads are lined with lovely and

Stop Signs on Cross Roads Needed – and Installed – before Intersections with Carriage Lane

One serious safety issue was that very often there was no official stop sign along the crossroad, north of the Carriage Lane, for southbound (SB) drivers. This presented extreme dangers: motor vehicles would head on a non-signalized crossroad south toward Commonwealth Avenue and drive straight through an intersection with the Carriage Lane, with no warning

Stop Signs along the Carriage Lane Relocated to Be Closer to the Intersection

Many Newton residents do not remember when the Carriage Lane looked like this: All along the Carriage Road, the stop signs, and the stop lines, were 20-23 feet away from the intersection. Often the stop signs were located before a band of cobbles. Westbound drivers would stop before the stop sign and then roll right